Health Information Technology and Electronic Accountability Records can make it happen?

This book answers the questions you have been asking to which there have been no answers.

Most Americans are aware of the major battle regarding health insurance and healthcare “reform” that was at its peak in the fall of 2009 and hit crescendo in March 2010. Congress got ready and then spent more than a trillion dollars on a government take-over of healthcare. The purpose of the take-over was, purportedly, to improve the lives of just 17% of the people -- those that the government determined to have no access to healthcare (a determination with which many constituents tend to disagree).

 What about those 17%? What do you think? Should they be on the public tab forever regardless of their status in life? In order to attain accountability, we must keep track of things. President Bush and President Obama both agree that a database of citizen health records needs to be compiled and it is, indeed, a very good idea. In such as system, there would be records for each citizen in the United States. In this way, it would be much easier to get a full picture of a patient in any medical provider’s setting. Clearly this helps in all aspects of healthcare.

With all the rhetoric about reform, there is little to no talk about accountability. This book not only broaches the subject, it shows that it can be done and how it can be done in a lightly technical but mostly amusing style. Americans need a logical and clear blueprint that defines the terms for organization of online records and discusses the objectionable entities (all working for the government) that are positioned to “own” your health data. Let’s keep them forever locked out.


I hope you enjoy reading this book and that you will remain vigilant and take the actions necessary to ensure that all the people as individuals, and not the government in groupthink, determine the fate of US healthcare. Not one person whose life is saved would deny the people of the US their just payback once they are well. It just makes good sense. Learn how inside! I wish you the best!”
Sincerely.  Melissa L. Sabol, Editor in Chief