If you came to LGP to find patriotic books, you are in the right place. This has been our main mission since 2009. Yet, we still pay attention to technical issues and our technical publishing efforts, which had previously been devoted to just the IBM i platform have merged interests and expanded to include the Joomla! community. With the seven books we produced in the Best Damm Web Builder Series, LGP showed that Joomla!, the best content management system in existence, (and it is free), could easily be merged with the best computer system in the universe. Yes, Joomla runs on IBM i (AS/400) in the PHP environment.

In 2009, LGP released five new books by Brian W. Kelly, the author of the Web Builder Series.

Two are technical and three are about current topics in the US.

The technical books are as follows:
1. The All-Everything Operating System  -- Foreword by Frank Soltis
2. The IBM i RPG & RPGIV Tutorial and Lab Exercises Second Edition.

This book complements the most inclusive RPG book ever written at over 900 pages. It is called the IBM i Pocket RPG & RPG IV Guide
In the same year, LGP announced three of our earliest Patriotic books as follows:

1. Taxation Without Representation 2010 - 2011 Edition
2. Obama's Seven Deadly Sins
3. Healthcare Accountability

Each of thse books are distributed by www.bookhawkers.com and some are distributed by www.checkoutking.com